Keep on keepin' on

12 March 2010

I made decent progress on collecting assets for my final project this week, including photographs, audio and a video of my subject reading (and answering) GA’s 20 questions. Admittedly, my focus has been on the video project due Wednesday, but I think I’ve collected some versatile material.

I plan to focus on the video project next week, which will, I hope, be included in part or in whole with the final project. I’ll also revisit my initial audio project a third time (already revisited once for further noise reduction) and add more narration for a stronger “radio piece.”

As spring break approaches, I’m scheduling every waking (non working) moment making pictures of my subject. Paying bills, heading to work in the financial industry, and attending meetings. Every night of the week she attends an AA or GA meeting. While I can’t document the anonymous organizations from within, I can attend meetings and make my own observations for guiding the story.

I also have an interview set up with Dan Smith, Board Approved Clinical Consultant and International Gambling Counselor. Dan is my subject’s state funded GA counselor. I hope he can shed some light on pending legislation and future impact. In addition, I hope to speak with her parents or sister at some point.


All content and photography  © Kristen DiFate, 2009.

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